Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sweet land of liberty. . .


Wow! My first trip to our nation’s capitol! I found myself in awe as I walked the streets, rich in history and full of life. Larger than life monuments paid tribute to great leaders of the past, while their words, engraved in stone, spoke out to me as if fresh from their lips. I was struck by the magnitude of headstones contained within the gates of Arlington Cemetery; the final resting place of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country’s freedom.

The eternal flame marking JFK’s grave; the simple white crosses placed at the graves of Bobby and Ted; memorials to the lost crews of Challenger and Columbia; the impressive guard keeping vigil at the Tomb of the Unknowns; the sight of these brings the history contained in this city closer to home.

To see the gowns of Martha Washington, Jackie Kennedy, and Michelle Obama displayed alongside each other seemed almost surreal. The top hat that President Lincoln wore on the night he was shot remains as a reminder; here to tell a story long after its owner has passed from this life into the next. Lincoln’s pocket watch, and the message hidden inside for so long, revealed at last.

I was touched by DC. My short visit sparked in me an awareness that was not present beforehand. I felt a deep sense of patriotism as I looked across the endless sea of white marble marking the graves at Arlington; the engraved crosses of the majority speaking a silent, solemn testimony of a faith in Christ. As I read the words of Thomas Jefferson, I questioned as to how anyone could ever believe that our country was founded aside from a strong belief in God. I could not help but wonder how our founding fathers would view our country today.

If you want a better president – pray for our president!
If you want a better government – pray for our leaders!
If you want to be a better person – pray for others!

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