Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"When you are ready, your teacher will come."

The first time I read this statement was in reference to yoga, many years ago. A short time later, I met my yoga teacher. I had long been interested in yoga and eastern religion but had very little opportunity to explore them other than the public library. There is another saying in yoga which states, “At the end of the stretch is where you find God.” I believe the end of the stretch is one of many places that God can be found. He is found in quietness and meditation. “Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10 (NRSV) A familiar bible passage to most of us; one few of us take time to incorporate into our busy schedules.

It was probably 12 years ago when I started practicing yoga and meditation. I enjoyed studying eastern religion and found meditation to be relaxing and energizing. I fell easily into a faithful practice. I was in the best physical condition of my adult life and felt I had a fulfilling spiritual life as well. It was one of the first times I had focused on listening for, instead of talking to, God. I remember vividly one session in which I believe I reached what the yogis call Samadhi. “I” fell away and became part of everything. There was no time, no desires, no emotions. Only oneness. It is hard to put the experience into words. Even though there was no consciousness of self, there was no regret for the loss of self. It was just a feeling of total peace.

The harmony of mind, body and spirit is an important aspect in each of our lives. This concept seems to have drawn a lot of publicity in the last few years; much to the benefit of those who slow down long enough to incorporate some of the ideas into their busy lives. We cannot be completely whole or healthy unless all three of these areas are nurtured and combined in a way that is healthy and fulfilling for the individual. I have found it is essential for my well being that I take time to be alone and quite. I need to spend time enjoying nature and the natural peacefulness I find there. I try to never take for granted this beautiful place God has allowed me to call home. We do ourselves an injustice when we fail to slow down, be still, and experience the beauty and serenity that can be found in the simplest tasks and the natural surroundings that are available to us. It is right in front of our eyes if we will stop long enough to see.

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. Isaiah 30:15 (NIV)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sweet land of liberty. . .


Wow! My first trip to our nation’s capitol! I found myself in awe as I walked the streets, rich in history and full of life. Larger than life monuments paid tribute to great leaders of the past, while their words, engraved in stone, spoke out to me as if fresh from their lips. I was struck by the magnitude of headstones contained within the gates of Arlington Cemetery; the final resting place of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country’s freedom.

The eternal flame marking JFK’s grave; the simple white crosses placed at the graves of Bobby and Ted; memorials to the lost crews of Challenger and Columbia; the impressive guard keeping vigil at the Tomb of the Unknowns; the sight of these brings the history contained in this city closer to home.

To see the gowns of Martha Washington, Jackie Kennedy, and Michelle Obama displayed alongside each other seemed almost surreal. The top hat that President Lincoln wore on the night he was shot remains as a reminder; here to tell a story long after its owner has passed from this life into the next. Lincoln’s pocket watch, and the message hidden inside for so long, revealed at last.

I was touched by DC. My short visit sparked in me an awareness that was not present beforehand. I felt a deep sense of patriotism as I looked across the endless sea of white marble marking the graves at Arlington; the engraved crosses of the majority speaking a silent, solemn testimony of a faith in Christ. As I read the words of Thomas Jefferson, I questioned as to how anyone could ever believe that our country was founded aside from a strong belief in God. I could not help but wonder how our founding fathers would view our country today.

If you want a better president – pray for our president!
If you want a better government – pray for our leaders!
If you want to be a better person – pray for others!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

So comes the Spring

Sunshine, green onions, birdsong and dew

All of these things are refreshing and new

Spring is upon us, an old friend so dear

Calmly assuring that bright days are near

We long for the laughter of kids in the yard

The first days of yard work never seem hard

The raking and sowing of seeds in the ground

Will soon lead to blooming of flowers all around

I love the springtime in all of it glory

It cleanses and clears all kinds of worry

The small things so often for granted we take

Forgetting to thank HIM for the beauty he makes

The spring is a symbol of new life for all
Just as the Savior extends forth his call

Come to him freely and at the cross lay

All of your burdens at the end of the day

Jesus will save you from all your distress

When humbly you come to Him and find rest